SUNGJIN FO-MA is reborn as SJF.
SJF specializes in producing automobile parts related to steering, brakes, and engines,
utilizing processes such as Cold forming, machining, heat treatment, and assembly.
We always prioritize trust with our customers and are committed to lead the future mobility market.
1st Factory
Korea- Daegu Seongseo Industrial Complex
- 93, Dalseo-daero 109-gil, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
- Cold forming
- Tooling
- Heat treatment
- R&D center
2nd Factory
Korea- Daegu Seongseo Industrial Complex
- 79, Seongseogongdanbuk-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
- Machining
- Assembly
- Inspection
Vietnam- My Phuoc Industrial Complex, Binh Duong Province, Northern Ho Chi Minh City
- Machining
- Heat treatment
- Assembly
- Inspection
We strive to create today better than yesterday with our partners.